- What are the differences between “Acknowledgement Slip” and “Receipt” ?
- Acknowledgement Slip - If the Payment Item is a refundable deposit (e.g. Waiting List Deposit, 1 Month Deposit), an Acknowledgement Slip will be issued as normally it would not inclusive of GST
- Receipt - If the Payment Item is a non-refundable item (e.g. Monthly School Fee, Uniform, Registration Fee), a Receipt will be issued as it may or may not inclusive of GST (depend on whether the centre is GST registered)
- What items will be included in Monthly Invoice automatically?
- Payment Item - Monthly School Fee, Monthly Enrichment Program (if any)
- Voucher / Discount Item (if any)
- Government Subsidies (if any)
- Can Centre Admin or Principal generate Monthly Invoice for past months?
Centre Admin or Principal is not allowed to generate past months’ invoice as the cut-off date is the 4 th of every month but they can request Global Admin (Finance personnel) to assist them. Centre Admin or Principal is able to generate Monthly Invoice for current month or future months only.
Who can void the Acknowledgement Slip, Invoice or Receipt that have been generated?
ONLY Global Admin (Finance personnel) has the right to void the Acknowledgement Slip, Invoice or Receipt that have been generated. Therefore, Centre Admin or Principal should call or email Finance department for the assistance by providing the “Void Reason” .
- How to void an invoice if I have already generated the receipt?
Global Admin (Finance personnel) should void all the relevant receipts (if one invoice has more than one receipt issued) first then can proceed to void the invoice.
When is the cut-off date for Centre Admin to generate Ad-Hoc invoice for previous month?
Cut-off date is the 4th of every month for Centre Admin to generate Ad-Hoc invoice for previous month as Finance Department will generate the Revenue Report after 5th of every month.
How to handle the advance payment or over payment?
We strongly recommend that Centre Admin or Principal to issue an Acknowledgement Slip to parents when receiving advance payment or over payment from them as we can refund to parents easily or use it to offset other payments later on.
What are the meanings of Revenue Amount, Invoice Amount and Payable Amount?
- Revenue Amount - Total amount before GST (if any) of the invoice
- Invoice Amount - Total amount after GST (if any) of the invoice
- Payable Amount - Total amount after GST and Government Subsidies (if any) of the invoice
What are the differences between “Invoice” and “Tax Invoice” ?
- Invoice - If your centre is NOT GST registered, ENROL System will generate “Invoice” .
- Tax Invoice - If your centre is GST registered, ENROL System will generate “Tax Invoice” and indicate the charged GST amount. For Zero-rated centre, ENROL System will still generate the “Tax Invoice” but indicate that GST is charged at 0%.
Can we create invoices for “Applied” status of children?
Basically we do not need to create invoices for “Applied” status of children as all Payment Items are Refundable Items (e.g. Waiting List Deposit) before the children enrol into our centre. We just issue Acknowledgement Slip for collecting fee on Refundable Items.
What are the main purposes of “Government Subsidy” under the “Account > Manage” section?
- This is for the Centre Admin or Principal to check and save the monthly government subsidies for children who entitled and not entitled the government subsidies (ECDA Basic Subsidy, ECDA Additional Subsidy and CFAC).
- All children information and government subsidies are retrieved from “Child > Enrolled > Edit Child” section automatically.
- If all information is correct, Centre Admin or Principal can click on “Save” or “Save All” button to lock the records. Otherwise, Centre Admin or Principal needs go to “Child > Enrolled > Edit Child > select the child > Enrolment Details > Subsidy information” section to update the subsidies information first. Then return here to save the modified information.
- All the “v Save” (saved) records will be displayed under “Account > Manage > Subsidy Variance” section automatically for Centre Admin or Principal to generate the GSII report.
What are the main purposes of “Subsidy Variance” under the “Account > Manage” section?
- This is for the Centre Admin or Principal to do the monthly reconnaissance for children who entitled and not entitled the government subsidies (ECDA Basic Subsidy, ECDA Additional Subsidy and CFAC) after receiving the report from ECDA.
- Children basic information and Government subsidies (ECDA Basic Subsidy / ECDA Additional Subsidy / Financial Assistance) columns: Information and amount will be retrieved automatically once Centre Admin or Principal saves the records under “Account > Manage > Government Subsidy” section.
- Subsidy Given to Parent column: Amount will be retrieved automatically once Centre Admin or Principal confirms the invoices which contain any government subsidies.
- Receipt No. column: Receipt No. will be retrieved automatically once Centre Admin or Principal issues the Official Receipt for the invoices that contain any government subsidies.
- Subsidy Received From Gov column: Default amount will be same as Subsidy Given to Parent. Centre Admin or Principal is requested to check if it is correct when she receives the monthly subsidies information from ECDA.
- Click on “Edit” button to modify the “Subsidy Received from Gov” and fill up the “Reason” , “Follow Up Action” and “GSII Adjust Date” when needed.
- After all information and subsidies amount have been confirmed to be correct, please click on the “Lock” or “Lock All” button to lock all records in order to generate the Monthly GSII report. (Remark: GSII stands for Government Services Information Infrastructure).
- Kindly proceed to “Report > Miscellaneous > GSII” section to download the Monthly GSII Report.
How to transfer the deposit from graduated siblings?
- Create an Acknowledgement Slip and select “Transfer Out” as “Acknowledgement Type” for the graduated child. We strongly recommend Centre Admin or Principal to mention that who is the new child to receive the transferred deposit under “Remark” of the generated Acknowledgement Slip.
- Create another Acknowledgement Slip and select “Transfer In” as “Acknowledgement Type” for the new child who will receive the transferred deposit. We strongly recommend Centre Admin or Principal to mention who is the graduated child to transfer out the deposit and the previous payment mode under “Remark” of the generated Acknowledgement Slip.
Why cannot find “CDA” or “GIRO” option under “Payment Type” when creating Acknowledgement Slip or Receipt for some children?
Centre Admin or Principal must enter the CDA or GIRO details at “Child > Enrolled > Edit Child > select the child > Enrolment Details > Payment Account Information” section then “CDA” or “GIRO” option will be shown under “Payment Type” automatically.
What is the main purpose of “Check Status” button under the “Account > Manage > Invoice > Monthly Invoice” section?
This is for the Centre Admin or Principal to check the status of generated and NOT generated Monthly Invoices for selected Year and Revenue Month.
What are the common reasons that Monthly Invoices NOT generate for some children?
- Reason Code 1 - “Temporary Withdrawal” set to “Yes”.
- Reason Code 2 - “Admission Date” is later than “Invoice Date”.
- Reason Code 3 - Monthly/Termly School Fee OR Enrichment Program Fee are “0.00” amount.
- Reason Code 4 - “Total Fee Payable” is negative amount. (Total Fee Payable = School Fee + Enrichment Fee* - Discount* + GST* - Government Subsidy*) (Remark: * = If any)
- Reason Code 5 - Ad-Hoc Invoice which contains Monthly/Termly School Fee has been generated and confirmed.
- Reason Code 6 - “Admission Date” is “0000-00-00” or empty.
Remark: After finding out the reason, Centre Admin or Principal should correct the wrong information for that child under “Child > Enrolled > Edit Child” section. Then manually create Ad-Hoc Invoice (to collect Monthly School Fee or Enrichment Program Fee) for that child on affected Revenue Month.